主日礼拝 1部説教
マタイ 4:8-11
I. Key Idea
Today is the place of Jesus’final temptation Jesus was tempted to bow down before the devil His promise was to give all the power of this world We are living in the world where political, economical, and ethical power can make a difference in the lives of many people Though Jesus came to this world to show us the way of the kingdom of God by abandoning all the heavenly power and authority, we still are not ready to follow His example We rather have power than love How can we overcome these subtle temptation which is still prevalent amongst the Christians
1Be Powerful!
2Leadership of powerlessness
II Personal Bible Study
(1)What did the devil offer to Jesus(v 8-9)? How does Jesus respond?
(2)What did the angels do for Jesus? Tell about the role of the angels?
Ⅲ. Small Group Discussions
(1)What human need is at the heart of each temptation? How are these needs evident in your life? How does Satan use these to tempt you?
(2)What is your greatest temptation right now? How can others help?
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