主日礼拝 1部説教
イエス様の指導力のスタイル II
I.Key Idea
The more we learn, the deeper we fell the difference between the wonderful appearance of Jesus’ style and that of our present church. The style of Jesus’ leadership is servant-leadership. It is very difficult concept to grasp for those whose mind is trained in this system of education of analysis and criticism. I began to realize the meaning of the word of Jesus little more; “Jesus came to set us free from all the bondage.”
I). The Sonship of Jesus.
II). The Servanthood of Jesus.
III). The strategy of Jesus.
II. Small group Discussions
(1)What did your parents want you to be when you grew up?
(2)Why were the other 10 disciples so outraged? Were their reactions any more commendable?
(3)What contrast does Jesus set up between how the gentiles rule and how authority is exercised in God’s kingdom? How does Jesus model this new way?
(4)How significant do you feel in relation to God’s kingdom? In what specific ways can you serve people using Jesus as your model?
(5)Share what you learn today.
2024-11-171部礼拝(日本語)/ 主日礼拝 |
2024-11-101部礼拝(日本語)/ 主日礼拝 |
2024-11-031部礼拝(日本語)/ 主日礼拝 |
2024-10-271部礼拝(日本語)/ 主日礼拝 |
2024-10-20主日合同礼拝 / 日本語・韓国語 |