主日礼拝 1部説教
マタイ 28:18-20
I.Key Idea
マタイ28:18-20 は普通大宣教命令と呼ばれています。これは事実他の福音書に在る命令よりもっと大切なものではないし、またイエス様が天に登られる一番前にいわれたことでもありません。しかし、この宣言はすべてクリスチャンに関わるものであり、また私たちが良く理化しなければなりません。
Matthew 28:18-20 is usually called the great commission.
We are to go –whether it is the nest door or to another country-and make disciples. It is not an option, but a command to all who call Jesus Lord. We are not all evangelist in the formal sense, but we all received gifts that we can use to help fulfill the great commission. As we obey, we have comfort in the knowledge that Jesus is always with us.
II.Small group Discussions
(1)What do you like to do first thing Sunday morning? Why?
(2)Of the four actions commanded in the great commission, (19-20) which one is central? How are they to make disciples? Of whom? With what resources? Toward what end?
(3)In what ways might you fulfill the great commission in the context of your family? Work? Community? What hope does this passage give you as you seek to follow Jesus?
(4)How is Jesus with Us?
(5)Share what you learn today.
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